Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fitness Tools

Lifehacker did a post recently about some (tech) fitness tools anyone can use to get in shape. They had some tips / tools that I was already aware of or seemed obvious to me (such as listening to music, finding proper running shoes, and the nike+ system), but there were a couple of items I found particularly interesting.

First was an everyman's workout routine known as "shovelgloving". It only requires one piece of equipment, a sledgehammer wrapped in a sweatshirt. What's more manly than that?

The other is a tool called MapMyRun. It's powered by Google Maps and used for what else but mapping your runs. Other features include a calories burned calculator and even gps support if you upgrade to the pro version.

Other honorable mentions include a couch to 5k to marathon plan as well as a plan to go from 0 to 100 pushups in 6 weeks. Well with that I'm off to go find a sledgehammer, have fun with the tools.

Ever noticed how it's always runners who find dead bodies? -Pearl Izumi ad

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